IQ Panel 2 - Add Thermostat
Thermostat Instructions
1. Swipe down from the top clock display for Settings Tray, press SETTINGS for User Menu, then ADVANCED SETTINGS
2. Enter Installer 1111 or Dealer 2222 Code in the Installer Programming Menu, press INSTALLATION, then DEVICES
3. Press Z-WAVE DEVICES, ADD DEVICE, then press PAIR to begin the learning process (if trouble learning try deleting first then learn)
4. Press the Mate or Learn button on the device – the panel should learn and show device settings
5. Optional: Press AUTOMATION, then select if the device will automatically turn on at Night or Evening, then press OK
6. Optional: Press NAME, then enter the pre-determined name or select CUSTOM NAME to enter a name
7. If CUSTOM NAME was selected, enter a name up to 10 characters, press the check or keyboard
icon, touch ADD to finish, then HOME to exit
Add Radio Thermostat Instructions
1. Swipe down from the top clock display for Settings Tray, press SETTINGS for User Menu, then ADVANCED SETTINGS
2. Enter Installer 1111 or Dealer 2222 Code in the Installer Programming Menu, press INSTALLATION, then DEVICES
3. Press Z-WAVE DEVICES, then ADD DEVICE, then press PAIR to begin the learning process (if trouble learning try deleting first then learn)
4. Press the MENU button on the thermostat, then the MATE icon – "r1" should appear
5. Press the MATE icon again, which should cause MATE to flash. LINK appears if learning was successful, then press MENU to exit.
6. Press NAME, then enter the pre-determined name or select CUSTOM NAME to enter a name
7. If CUSTOM NAME was selected, enter a name up to 10 characters, press the check or keyboard
icon, touch ADD to finish, then HOME to exit